School extension phase 3 (and last building activity)

In a last step in the construction project a music and assembly hall will be erected at the top floor of the new building. The old Mensa has become too small since the school extension; it will be, however, further used for the dinner meal for the students as before
As you can see from the photo some pillars and wall elements have already been constructed (then the money run out and the activities stopped).
Unfortunately the prices for construction materials literally exploded when so many rebuilding and repair activities were started after the earthquake in 2015; still vast areas lay in destruction despite the extended activities to rebuild the city. So the last floor has to be planned at elevated prices and will be much more expensive but the floors below.
By using the form below you may donate right now for the project via who will provide also the tax statement for you (for all the year donations, in German only, unfortunately).