More details on the project
The total amount of 2220.- was raised with YOUR support between November 2012 and January 2013, cordial thanks to all contributors and donators !
Transfer of the fund in January resulted € 2195.- to be available at the school for purchasing and installing pipes, tanks, filtering systems and pumps. The work started with running the physico-chemical and biological analysis of the well water as required by the authorities. Meanwhile the piping from well to school has been implemented, pumps tanks and the filtering cartridge have been installed. In the current test run wate from the well is processed for some days before a sample will be drawn for chemical and biological analysis; once the water has passed the test the Clean Water Supply will be released for use at the school.
On March 21, 2013 the supply was officially released for drinking purposes. Cordial thanks and congratulations to the team in Nepal and all supporters and well-wishers!

Clean water from the tap:
for us a matter of course, but not for all the people in Nepal !
Having already contributed to a new classroom and a canteen project at the school Saraswati Pathshala in Bhaktapur we are now engaging in the Clean Water Supply project first for the kitchen and canteen (phase 1) and then for all the school house (phase 2). Currently drinking water is restrictedly available from a tank which is temporarily filled by a road service; the new project will employ a nearby well and local standard technology, the planning phase has been completed recently:
for € 2220.- only all respective material can be provided and installed !
Your donation will allow to buy and install pipes, vents, tabs, tanks, an electrical pump and pre- and fine-filtering cartridges; only locally available material will be used and local craftsmen will be employed.
"Educating Children to Build a Nation" is the mission of our main partner organization TOIT (fr. roof) in Bhaktapur/Nepal. The organization provides education to street kids in the school "Saraswoti Pathshala", which was founded and is run by TOIT. The school started 2007 as a shell construction with a few class rooms, only. Since then one class room is added per year aiming for a complete 10-grade primary school. TOIT is currently exclusively based on donations. For more details on this impressing project visite the website of TOIT !
Having met the founder and director of the school, Indra Prasad Khaitu, in Nepal we are very impressed by his vision, engagement and dedication; one of us volunteered for half a year at TOIT in Bhaktapur 2010 and since then we collaborate with him and his organization; by that we got to know him as an open, honest and reliable partner. Based on this contact it is ensured that our and your support gets directy and to a 100% to the school and the children.